Tuesday, January 19, 2010

American Idol Auditions- Pants On The Ground Mania Grips The USA


During last week’s Atlanta auditions show, America was introduced to the Amazing and lovable General Larry Platt. The 62 year old veteran sang a redition of an original song composed by himself“Pants on the Ground.” The song has caused a massive surge in youtube hits, with many potential songsters creating their own twist on the original.

Some covers are upbeat, some covers are touching, and others are just plain fun! Even Season 8 semi-finalist Alex Wagner-Trugman posted a wonderful acoustic cover of the song. Larry Platt has become a national treasure overnight with pants on the ground been echoed in every office, factory and school. I dont think this is the last we'll hear of General Larry Platt.

"Pants On The Ground" by General Larry Platt - Idol Audition